How do innocent babies lose their rights

Friday, January 25, 2013


I paid Richard Fourte and Belivia Morgan $900.00 dollars to move to 8921 N 91st street Unit B in Milwaukee WI and I paid the people $600.00 every month to be in that unit I paid them our money and I gave it to them people and I was not a day late and I was not a dollar short and I did not give them no kind of excuses, even when I did not get no hot water from them during the time from July 2000 to Mid November 2000 and I still paid Richard Fourte and Belivia Morgan the money for the Rent and I did not complaint against them I did not do that and all the people did was treat me and my children like trash and some people did throw bloody chicken under my door and windows and I was still paying them the rent money and the gas furnace did needed fixed and tuned up, that did not get fixed when my children and I was there and on April 13, 2001 my front door locks got jammed on me and I did not do that to myself, and that was not right for Belivia to aske me will I wear a Willie name tattooed on my RIGHT LEG , I DON'T WEAR NO DAMN TATTOO, DON'T ROB ME AND MY CHILDREN OF OUR DIGNITY, THAT IS VERY AND DOWN RIGHT CRIMINAL, DON'T CHEAT ME AND MY BABIES OUT OUR OUR LIFE LEAVE ME AND MY CHILDREN THE HELL ALONE BECAUSE I GOTTEN TAKEN TO THE WRONG DAMN FAMILY FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, DON'T PICK ON ME BECAUSE I AM AN UNWANTED ALBINO CHILD AND THIS IS NOT MY FAMILY NO WAY. October 2001, I moved out of the 8921 N 91st Street Unit B Milwaukee, WI and after I moved out the unit I did clean the unit before I left and LESS THAN ONE FULL MONTH SUDDENLY THEY STARTED TO PUT CITATIONS ON ME WITH A VEHICLE A 1985 TAN CHEVY I NEVER DID DRIVE AT ALL, AND THE POLICE CAME TO MY APARTMENT LOOKING FOR ME IN THE SUMMER OF 2003, I DID NOT DRIVE THAT VAN AT ALL BECAUSE THAT'S A LIE AND THAT WAS NOT FAIR AT ALL. I AM NOT NO DUMB ASS. I DON'T APPRECIATE THAT AT ALL.

A woman who never did wanted me taken me home to a complete hell hole. She didn't have no love for me at all. If somebody keeps asking you about a 'Life Insurance Policy', what do you think? They are getting at and they keep asking you that question. Do you got any life insurance, but they did asked me that question and the person who always asked you that question and this is a person who always had a serious conflict or personal vendetta against you and you do know that you didn't do nothing to that person. You had a lot of trouble with the family members and they never even liked you at all and when I had my children also, the same person did asked if I had a life insurance policy for my children too. And years later one of my children. My son mysteriously gotten away from a nursing home, they did place him in Warren Park for only 65 days in 2008, and he was so badly abused and criminally manhandled, they nearly killed him for nothing he did not even do, he was not eating or drinking at all. His life was in danger he was on a life support machine and he was in diapers just like a baby. My son could not eat, he could not talk and he could not even walk and he could not even write his own name and I really wonder do anybody have a guardianship over me right behind my back? and the person won't tell me, and they will not tell me why. The family people are treating me and my kids like we are animals and I really do want to know do anybody have a guardianship on my children behind my back, they are doing that on purpose and it is very wrong and deliberately, and somebody did marry me off behind my back just to get the money they are very wrong for doing me like that and then they all did laugh at me. and they did that to my children too. they are all very wrong for that. Every time I tried to move on with my own life and move forward, something suddenly do go very wrong with everything that I did try to do for myself and the family people did treat me like an outcast and an outsider and those family people are extremely hostile and they are really very cruel and are very hostile towards me and my children. Child welfare and child protection showed up at my door from 1990,1997,and in between through 2002, child welfare people came to my door in Chicago Il and Milwaukee,WI in 2002 my kids were age 17 turning 18 that year and my other son age 18 going on age 19 the same year the social workers came to my door and In 2000,I lost our Illinois Home Based Assistant Checks, right after I move from Illinois to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the summer of 2000. In September 2002 I started to work at The Industries For The Blind, but on September 27,2002 the same day I gotten my first pay check I did work for suddenly Sept 27, 2002 on the same day I got my pay check somebody did ring my door bell 13 damn time I know what I heard, and something told me you better be very careful because several family people have been always criminal with me from the very beginning and right from the start and they always did do me that way, they are very wrong for doing all those punitive criminal acts and all those really nasty and really cruel and very hateful bias hate crimes to me for the things I did not to none of those family people and NO I DID NOT DO NOTHING AT ALL TO THOSE PEOPLE, THE FACT IS I WASN'T WANTED IN THE FAMILY, AND I DO KNOW THAT AND SOME DOCTORS DID GET IN MY FACE AND TOLD ME I HAD A DAMN HEART ATTACK, BECAUSE OF ALL THE HATE AND BIAS CRIMES DONE TO ME FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND NOW EVEN DECADES AND THE FAMILY PEOPLE WILL NOT EVEN BOTHER TO LEAVE ME AND MY CHILDREN THE HELL ALONE NOT AT ALL AND THEY DO NOT EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME WHY, NO THEY DON'T TELL ME WHY EITHER, NOT ONE PERSON EVEN BOTHERED TO TELL ME WHY. I was only at The Industries For The Blind Only 65 days, they did let me go, Nelson Barber's Mother Rose died January 1,1981 and 2008 my son Alexander was at Warren Park Nursing home only 65 days and he mysteriously gotten away from there, and when I moved from Milwaukee Wisconsin a in the summer of 2003 a different former landlord, did tell me the city of Milwaukee Police did come to her door at 3306 looking for me.

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